Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer Videographer


Valletta, Luqa, Mgarr, Floriana
Days/hours of Volunteering
weekend afternoons

Age Restrictions

Physical/Sensory/Learning Disabilities, Mental Health Difficulties

Typical responsibilities:

  • Taking footage of rehearsals and concerts
  • Timely delivery
  • Uploading and sharing

Desirable skills:

  • Good command of videography
  • Proficiency with camera equipment
  • Knowledge of editing technology
  • Communication skills
  • Planning and organisation

About the Voluntary Organisation:

Vox Dulcis Chorale

Vox Dulcis Chorale is a young women’s choir, exploring a variety of repertoire in different genres. It was established in 2017, when it performed in Birgu by Candlelight. Since its inception, Vox Dulcis Chorale has performed in numerous concerts, including Christmas and Easter performances, and also holds an annual Women’s Day Concert. Most of the choir’s concerts include works or arrangements which are completely new to Malta. In 2020, Vox Dulcis Chorale started a new branch – the Open Choir – which also includes men and children. The choir is directed by John Anthony Fsadni. He conducts the choir and often accompanies at the piano as well. After completing a Master’s degree in piano performance at the University of Malta, he started teaching music at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School. He is the resident organist at Luqa Catholic Parish where he also conducts the parish choir. The choir is accompanied by Petra Magri Gatt. She began her piano studies at the age of five and has nurtured her passion for music throughout the years, achieving her Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM) at the age of 19.