What is Voluntiera Malta?

Voluntiera Malta – a local volunteering programme managed by MCVS, aims to support voluntary organisations with extra help during any events they’re organising. The programme’s purpose is to mobilise active citizens and build a large network of people from all sectors who are interested in volunteering.

Whether you’re organising a fundraiser, a conference, festival or workshop, MCVS can provide you with volunteers who form part of the Voluntiera Malta team to assist you on the day of the event.

How it works

  1. Application

    In case you need help from the volunteers, request must be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the event.

  2. Dissemination

    Once all information is provided, it’s shared with all the volunteers who are in the Voluntiera Malta database.

  3. Schedule

    MCVS will send the volunteer schedule and the contact details of the volunteers who applied to help out to the organisation.

Login to apply

Please login using the credentials set on the VO Funding Portal. If you don't have a Voluntary Organisation account, register to recruit volunteers.